I’m currently using BTC Knox on UmbrelOS to solo mine on my own node and have been experimenting with Public Pool.io. I’d like to customize some of the settings, such as:
Coinbase Tag: I want to set a custom coinbase tag for my mining rewards.
Work/Job Update Time: I’d like to adjust how frequently the pool updates work/jobs.
Other Customization: Are there additional settings I can tweak to optimize my setup?
With DATUM, I found it relatively straightforward to make these changes, but I’m not entirely comfortable using DATUM for solo mining on my node. Public Pool.io seems like a better fit for my needs, but I’m unsure where or how to make these customizations.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Looked through the Public Pool.io documentation but couldn’t find specific instructions for these settings.
Explored the BTC Knox interface on UmbrelOS but didn’t see obvious options for these customization.
Could someone guide me on how to adjust these settings with Public Pool.io? Are there configuration files or specific commands I need to use? Any tips or examples would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help!