When Linden Lab announced the launch of their Ranch-style homes this past June, I immediately upgraded my main male avatar, Heath Homewood, to Premium Plus, and snapped up this lovely house! (Heath is the one who owns most of the home and garden decor, dating back to when I first owned land in the then-brand-new Bay City neighbourhood. I joke that he is my walking storage shed!)
Over the fall and into the winter, I slowly and lovingly landscaped the exterior and decorated the interior, until I had a virtual space that I felt truly reflected me.
I have often strolled (or rode horseback!) through the new Ranch Linden Home regions, and I do have to hand it to Linden Lab—they did a superb job! And it is so interesting to see how other people have chosen to decorate their homes.
In between looting, pillaging, and ransacking the various Advent calendars and 12 Days of Christmas calendars in Second Life, I did find a bit of time this morning to decorate my new ranch home for the holiday season. I hung stockings by the fireplace, set up my favourite Christmas tree, and set out a nativity crèche which reminds me of one we used to have in my real-life childhood home.

From today until Christmas Day, I will be (like most of you!) very busy in real life, so this will be my final blogpost for 2023.
Happy Holidays to all of you and best wishes for a Happy New Year!

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