Click here to join Bad Unicorn's in-world group to get a free Redrum Door copy for all your "Here's Johnny!" needs
Here's a whole Halloween batch of hilariously new spooky season items now available from Bad Unicorn (a proud sponsoring media partner of New World Notes). The first is this free gift that made me literally LOL when I saw it: The Redrum Door Backdrop, just the thing you need for a happily homicidal Halloween. To get it, all you need to do is join Bad Unicorn's in-world group.
More equally witty Halloween items are all available now in Bad Unicorn's Marketplace and on sale at the in-world store (click here to teleport) for L$99 or less. And this Sunday, they'll all be available for just L$50-75 at Seraphim's Lazy Sunday sale.
Take a look! First up, the perfect pairing for that Redrum door:
With my axe! Bento animated with 7 texture options in the Marketplace here.
Sexy screams on sale with the Sup Mask.
That's right: Get the Mikel Moyers Mask in the Marketplace.
Get your classic trick or treat sheet here.
And your Spooktacular Snack tray here.And finally, there's the Bang Van Shagging Wagon for uncovering mysteries with you meddling kids.
Get them from the in-world store or the Bad Unicorn Marketplace now, or check back for the Lazy Sunday sale!