Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Verandi Diavolo’s recent microblog “Flavors” caught me in a Thanksgiving frame of mind.
I love that cardinal plushie (on the left) from Ariskea, but alas, it was exclusive to the September FAMESHED event.The mushrooms are also no longer available because they were exclusive to Equal10 in September. Sometimes there is no substitute for going to the events.
Last night, IRL friends and I began discussing what to make for the upcoming Friendsgiving. Not only that, but in a complete coincidence, my best friend brought over a carrot cake that looked very much like this one down to the nuts along the bottom. Is there any frosted cake better than carrot cake?
Apple Fall Carrot Cake
Apple Fall Carrot Cake on Plate (dispensed by the big cake)
vespertine: quirky pumpkin trio.on Marketplace
Verandi does decor, male, and female fashions, so his Flickr stream is a full-service blog. P.S., he has a Catwoman obsession.
For a bit of Verandi’s obsession, click here:
Did you ever imagine Catwoman as a man? Well, Alexander Powell of THIRST did and this is the result. And Verandi makes a great Catman, especially with that beard.
- Thirst Catsuit and Mask exclusively at Main Store
Verandi Diavolo does not provide links which are mandated by Flickr’s Terms of Service. It is not much of an impediment when he features such successful, long-term stores, but with smaller and newer stores or stores with lots of annoying special characters, it can be a real hassle.
Verandi could easily make it easier for readers by listing the creator of brands featured in images. Say, Apple Fall by Apple Pumpkins or Verspertin by Amelie Knelstrom. Then his followers who want to buy those items can look at the creator’s profile and click on the links.
Another option is to link to the Flickr picture posted by the creator. They should have a Pro account and be able to post links. With that little change, Verandi could make his already beautifully presented microblog so much more useful.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright Verandi