
As many eagle-eyed SLers have noticed, Second Life is featured in a pivotal plot point in the final episode of Season 3 of Apple TV's The Morning Show starring Jennifer Anniston and Reese Witherspoon. Watch the clip above if you don't mind possible spoilers, in a scene featuring Stella Bak, played by Greta Lee.

"One of the main characters (with definitely a geeky past) went into Second Life trying to get in touch with a friend in hiding," SLer Wildstar explains to me. I'm grateful for the explanation, because none of the available episode recaps seem to mention this scene. And it's definitely Second Life, with the footage even featuring the official logo in the top left.

This is actually a dramatic illustration of a situation that does often happen — for one reason or another, people go off the mainstream Internet radar of social networks and communication apps, and maintain social connections through SL or another virtual world.

Sometimes that's done for reasons of corporate skullduggery (as in this show, I guess) and other anti-social behavior — but even more often, for very legitimate purposes. It's a phenomena I mention in the book, illustrating the importance of keeping avatar identity separate from our public facing social media by default:

In some cases, for instance, a person may be fleeing stalkers or an abusive partner, and has to completely exit any use of social media, and keep their avatar activity completely separate. And it's not just women fleeing abuse or torment, but racial and religious minorities and LGBT people, and so on — basically anyone who feels the need to hide parts of their full identity under the guise of an avatar.  

Thanks to the generous Redditor who shot and provided the clip!

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