As teased last June, Linden Lab just announced private Alpha tests of its upcoming iOS/Android mobile app for Second Life starting now — if, that is, if you have a new-ish device, and you're a Premium+ subscriber:
For now, the Private Alpha is only open to Second Life Premium Plus users. We’ll be reviewing applications and adding qualifying Residents to the Private Alpha program on an ongoing basis. Please be patient with us as the demand is high but our staff is small! All Premium Plus subscribers are eligible to participate in the Private Alpha, however we’ll be adding users in small groups over time.
The Second Life mobile app is currently being developed and optimized for both iOS and Android devices. To participate in the Private Alpha, you’ll need either an iOS device (min version: iPhone X running iOS 16.6.1) or a mid-to-high-end Android device (comparable to Pixel 6 or higher) running Android OS 13 or higher.
I don't have data on how many SL users have a Premium+ subscription, which costs $25/month or $250/year, but it could be quite a lot:
When I polled readers about this pricey option last year, a surprising 1 in 4 said they would pay for it. Now that the mobile app is being offered first to Premium+ subscribers, I bet we'll see a strong uptick of sign-ups. That might also be a way to avoid all the App Store/Google Play court battles, since pre-requiring a premium Second Life subscription for access does an end-run around Google and Apple's payment process completely.
If you are a Premium+ subscriber who wants to sign up for access, here's some tips from SL Redditor Hal Jordan:
Visit and make sure you are logged in with your Premium Plus account.
On the right of the page, click Contact Support
Click the link that says Submit a Support Case form or the button at the top of the page that says SUBMIT A TICKET
For Type, select Premium Plus
In the Premium Plus dropdown, select Second Life Mobile Private Alpha Application
Fill out the ticket fields as requested and click Submit
One of the fields on the form says "Please provide the AppleID or GoogleID that you use with your mobile device: (Please note, this is required for us to enable your beta invitation, and will not be used for any other purpose.)" On my Android phone, I went to Settings > About phone and gave them the email from the "Google Account" field. You can't submit the form without adding text to the "Additional Information" field. We shall see if that works.
This follows a similar approach taken by VRChat, which first launch its own mobile app for paying subscribers only. Despite — or because! — of that restriction, VRChat's app was downloaded over 50,000 times!