I'm tardy in noticing, but am overjoyed to find my book on Goodreads, including this lovely review by longtime virtual world denizen Lorelei Armstrong:
I debated calling this review "The book that could have saved Zuckerberg billions" because it offers terrific guidance to the industry and those in the position to spend billions creating virtual worlds. I decided that title might limit the audience for a book anyone interested in the future of our relationship with the Internet should read. I've been in Second Life since mid-2007. I have three avatars running eight businesses. At one time I was making substantial (real) money. Now it pays my in-world bills. As I listened to the audiobook of Making a Metaverse that Matters, I found myself nodding often…
Wagner James Au captures the divide between what science fiction authors imagined and what exists, explains the mistakes Linden Lab made along the way, and perfectly captures the "blind men and the elephant" feeling virtual worlds have now. I hope this book is being read very very widely by everyone building the virtual worlds of the future. Maybe we can avoid some damaging errors. Mahalo, Wagner James Au!
Much mahalo back, Lorelei! If anyone reading this is so inclined, I'd be grateful for more Goodreads reviews.