Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Shoko Tachikawa shoots storytelling pictures that are so charming. Here she is holding a bow and arrows made of metal with very little fletching which makes me wonder how well they fly. But in Second Life, that sort of thing does not matter. Scripts will make it fly. I love this picture, the contemplative look. She has long sleeves, which might be advisable with a metal bow. After all, if you hold the bow wrong, the string can whack your arm. A metal wire? Owwie!
I wonder if everyone did archery in their physical education classes in junior and senior high? We did. It was so much fun and among my favorite sections during the year.
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Uh oh! She is still in combat mode. This time with a spear. I love how active her picture is. Fighting in full skirts cannot be easy but she makes it look easy.
I love this casual picture of friends sharing a snack. The snacking and the smart phone are just so today. It’s really fun.
I love Shoko Tachikawa’s stream, The pictures are natural and tell stories. We catch her in the moment so we don’t necessarily know the beginning or the end. We are in the middle and it’s fun. We can imagine our own beginnings and endings. It just so happens that she is the co-owner of a pose store named Uzme, so no wonder her poses are telling us stories. [In-world store SLURL].
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright Shoko Tachikawa