I am developping a bot for a customer with the following goals in mind:
- to inscribe a satoshi with the block number that it has been mined in (ordinal inscription) on every block. i think this is called bitmap, and you write blocknumber.bitmap.
I have managed to build this bot, connect it to my local bitcoincore node and spam a minting transaction every block by listening to the number returned via “getblock” command to bitcoin core, but i don’t know how to actually pick the block that the transaction will be minted in since this seems to be a random process decided by miners and their management of the mempool. So what happens is that the block number inscribed is rarely the correct one, since i try to write either the current block number or the current block number +1 or +2.
Is there a process that would allow me to either decide which block my transaction will get mined in, or to dynamically change the text as it is mined to get the actual block number?