I’m trying to understand the primitives of Taproot and Musig2 so I can implement them into my application. I’m using the rust-bitcoin library and have written a script to create a Taproot address from an aggregated Musig2 public key (i’ve funded it with sats on mutinynet), create a tx spending from it & sign it, verify the signature, and then spend the tx. However, I’m getting the error mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Invalid Schnorr signature) when I try to spend the tx. The odd thing is that the in-script sig validation throws no issues.
Here is the relevant code:
use bitcoin::hex::DisplayHex;
use bitcoin::consensus::Encodable;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::key::{Keypair, UntweakedPublicKey};
use bitcoin::locktime::absolute;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{rand, Message, Secp256k1, SecretKey, Verification};
use bitcoin::sighash::{Prevouts, SighashCache, TapSighashType};
use bitcoin::{
transaction, Address, Amount, Network, OutPoint, PublicKey, ScriptBuf, Sequence, Transaction,
TxIn, TxOut, Txid, Witness, XOnlyPublicKey,
use musig2::secp::Point;
use musig2::{
aggregate_partial_signatures, sign_partial, verify_single, AggNonce, BinaryEncoding,
KeyAggContext, PubNonce, SecNonce,
use rand::thread_rng;
use std::str::FromStr;
const DUMMY_UTXO_AMOUNT: u64 = 100000;
const SPEND_AMOUNT: u64 = 90000;
const SK: &str = "e504905952697837ac0f0dc9e46deb0340ae6468b185ba79e4fa96ebda3964c2";
const SK2: &str = "6bb7bc5dd0c9db0ca8bdba4616ee92afceb432551e0f23b32ea7bcada18da696";
const SK3: &str = "57d44ecb8812680e871732233ed8e4d4e11a25f22aef6c81dbe35a424ad8db41";
const TXID: &str = "726499fb478422087e7a89a04f25de5ed98e87c9881e4a264e8f31143cdee17b";
const VOUT: u32 = 1;
fn main() {
let keypair_array = vec![
Keypair::from_secret_key(&Secp256k1::new(), &SecretKey::from_str(SK).unwrap()),
Keypair::from_secret_key(&Secp256k1::new(), &SecretKey::from_str(SK2).unwrap()),
Keypair::from_secret_key(&Secp256k1::new(), &SecretKey::from_str(SK3).unwrap()),
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
let tx = construct_refund_transaction(
let duration = start.elapsed();
println!("Time taken to construct refund transaction: {:?}", duration);
match tx {
Ok(hex) => {
Err(e) => {
println!("Error constructing transaction: {:?}", e);
pub fn construct_refund_transaction(
from_txid: &str,
from_vout: u32,
from_amount: u64,
spend_amount: u64,
to_address: &str,
keypair_array: Vec<Keypair>,
) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Step 1: Convert public keys to points for MuSig2
let points_vec: Vec<Point> = keypair_array
.map(|keypair| Point::from_hex(&keypair.public_key().to_string()).unwrap())
// Step 2: Create a KeyAggContext for MuSig2
let context = KeyAggContext::new(points_vec).unwrap();
// Step 3: Get the aggregated public key
let agg_pubkey: [u8; 33] = context.aggregated_pubkey();
// println!("Aggregate pubkey: {:?}", hex::encode(agg_pubkey));
// Step 4: Create a P2TR address from the aggregated public key
let pubkey = PublicKey::from_slice(&agg_pubkey).unwrap();
let xonly_pubkey = XOnlyPublicKey::from(pubkey);
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
// let address = Address::p2tr(&secp, xonly_pubkey, None, Network::Signet);
// println!("P2TR address: {}", address);
// Step 5: Get the unspent transaction output (UTXO)
let (out_point, utxo) = unspent_transaction_output(
// Step 6: Get the receiver's address
let address = receivers_address(to_address);
// Step 7: Create the transaction input
let input = TxIn {
previous_output: out_point,
script_sig: ScriptBuf::default(), // Empty for P2TR
sequence: Sequence::ENABLE_RBF_NO_LOCKTIME,
witness: Witness::default(), // Will be filled after signing
// Step 8: Create the transaction output
let spend = TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(spend_amount),
script_pubkey: address.script_pubkey(),
// Step 9: Construct the unsigned transaction
let mut unsigned_tx = Transaction {
version: transaction::Version::TWO,
lock_time: absolute::LockTime::ZERO,
input: vec![input],
output: vec![spend],
let input_index = 0;
// Step 10: Prepare for signing
let sighash_type = TapSighashType::Default;
let prevouts = vec![utxo];
let prevouts = Prevouts::All(&prevouts);
// Step 11: Calculate the sighash
let mut sighasher = SighashCache::new(&mut unsigned_tx);
let sighash = sighasher
.taproot_key_spend_signature_hash(input_index, &prevouts, sighash_type)
.expect("failed to construct sighash");
// Step 12: Prepare the message to be signed
let msg = Message::from_digest(sighash.to_byte_array());
// Step 13: Generate random nonces for MuSig2
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let n = keypair_array.len();
let secret_nonces: Vec<SecNonce> = (0..n).map(|_| SecNonce::random(&mut rng)).collect();
let public_nonces: Vec<PubNonce> = secret_nonces.iter().map(|sn| sn.public_nonce()).collect();
// Step 14: Aggregate nonces
let agg_nonce = AggNonce::sum(&public_nonces);
// Step 15: Generate partial signatures
let mut partial_sigs = Vec::new();
for (i, keypair) in keypair_array.iter().enumerate() {
let seckey =
let partial_sig: musig2::PartialSignature = sign_partial(
// println!("Partial signature {}: {:?}", i, partial_sig);
// Step 16: Aggregate partial signatures
let aggregated_signature: musig2::CompactSignature =
aggregate_partial_signatures(&context, &agg_nonce, partial_sigs, msg.as_ref()).unwrap();
// println!("Aggregated signature: {:?}", aggregated_signature);
// Step 17: Verify the aggregated signature
let verification_result = verify_single(
match verification_result {
Ok(()) => println!("Signature is valid"),
Err(e) => println!("Signature verification failed: {:?}", e),
// Step 18: Add the signature to the transaction witness
// Step 19: Finalize the signed transaction
let tx = sighasher.into_transaction();
// Step 20: Serialize and print the signed transaction
let mut serialized = Vec::new();
tx.consensus_encode(&mut serialized).unwrap();
let hex = serialized.as_hex();
// println!("Transaction hex: {}", hex);
// Helper function to parse and validate the receiver's address
fn receivers_address(address: &str) -> Address {
.expect("a valid address")
.expect("valid address for signet")
// Helper function to create an unspent transaction output (UTXO)
fn unspent_transaction_output<C: Verification>(
secp: &Secp256k1<C>,
internal_key: UntweakedPublicKey,
txid: Txid,
vout: u32,
amount: u64,
) -> (OutPoint, TxOut) {
let script_pubkey = ScriptBuf::new_p2tr(secp, internal_key, None);
let out_point = OutPoint { txid, vout };
let utxo = TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(amount),
(out_point, utxo)
fn post_tx(hex: String) {
let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
let res = client.post("https://mutinynet.com/api/tx").body(hex).send();
match res {
Ok(res) => {
if res.status().is_success() {
println!("Response: {:?}", res.text());
} else {
let error_text = res.text().unwrap_or_default();
if let Some(message) = error_text.split("message\":\"").nth(1) {
if let Some(error_message) = message.split("\"").next() {
println!("Error: {}", error_message);
} else {
println!("Error: {}", error_text);
} else {
println!("Error: {}", error_text);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error sending request: {:?}", e);
Am I doing anything blatantly wrong?
(these are dummy SKs I generated for the purpose of this test)